High reliability micro-capacitance silicon cells can be aligned to the correct tank shape with electronic linearization
Instrumentation | InstrumentationLevel transmitters have to function in hostile environments with fluids of all types. Most DP type transmitters use an 'O' ring seal which normally has to be replaced within 6 to 12 months of use. The FCX series transmitters uses an all-welded construction with fill fluid that has been subjected to high vacuum for an extended period to remove entrained air. This provides long term reliability not found in any level transmitter of its type. The high reliability comes from a micro-capacitance silicon cell. They can be aligned to the correct tank shape with electronic linearisation. A versatile indicator with a 5-digit display makes readings easier. Repairs can be carried out in the field with commonly available spare parts. There is a built-in loop calibration facility. And models for a wide range of flange types. The large installed base of level transmitters from Fuji is testament to their versatility and the trust earned over decades.
Features & Benefits
Water Level Transmitter
FCX-AIII Series Level Transmitter
Energy and Utilities
In energy and utility segments, increasing efficiency and cutting down waste are some of the key challenges many ...
Water and Waste Water
Most of the energy consumption in Water and Waste Water Treatment Plant (WTP) is electric power consumption it is ...
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