Low VF and low IR, compatible with PFC circuits of power supplies and secondary-side rectification circuits
Power Semiconductors | Power SemiconductorsFuji Electric's rectifier diodes have features such as low VF and low IR, and are compatible with PFC circuits of power supplies and secondary-side rectification circuits. They are used in a wide variety of fields, including consumer and industrial equipment applications and vehicle-mounted applications. High temperature operation is possible via a Tj=175°C guarantee, and the product line-up includes the "Low IR Schottky Series" capable of reducing the risk of thermal runaway.
These diodes are characterized by their low noise as a result of soft recovery and low loss via low VF characteristics and contribute to the improvement of power supply efficiency
Features & Benefits
- SBD (Schottky Barrier Diode)
- High temperature operation is possible via a Tj=175°C guarantee, and we have a lineup that includes the "Low IR Schottky Series" capable of reducing the risk of thermal runaway.
- LLD (Low Loss Diode)
- These diodes are characterized by their low noise as a result of soft recovery and low loss via low VF characteristics.
- Super LLD2 Series (For Criticality Mode PFC)
- Super LLD3 Series (For Continuous Mode PFC)
- These products contribute to the improvement of power supply efficiency.
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