Title: A Large Plastic Moulded Component Manufacturer

Industry: Plastic Industry

Application: Plastic Industry

Product / Solution: UPS

Location: Hyderabad

The Problem: The customer is a large plastic moulded component manufacturer who makes PVC moulded components for auto ancillaries and large appliance manufacturers. The manufacturing plant of the customer is equipped with vertical and horizontal injection molding machine of 15 to 200-ton capacity and other sophisticated machines that allow them to undertake the production of the moulded components with ease and precision. Power problems cause variations in the final product and lead to rejection due to quality issues.

Fuji Electric Solution: A team of engineers from Fuji Electric visited the customer site to understand the operations and requirement of the customer. Based on the study the team recommended the installation of a Falcon 8500 UPS of 250 KVA rating to provide uninterrupted power to the Qingdao machine including the twin-screw extruder, mold, sizing platform, cooling bracket, hual-off device, cutter, stacker.

Result: The customer is satisfied with the solution provided as their operations have been going on smoothly with no product quality issues due to power problems.
