Title: A manufacturer of machines for bakery & confectionery

Industry: Light Industry

Application: VMC

Product / Solution: UPS

Location: Ballabgarh, Haryana

The Problem: The customer is involved in making Machinery for manufacture of bakery products, confectionery products, manufacture of sugar. They are using different VMC like DOOSAN and Diamond for their production. These VMC requires high current demand and regeneration power due to switching operating.

Fuji Electric Solution: The team of engineers from Fuji Electric spent time in understanding the requirements of the customer and the operations of the various make of VMC machines being used in the manufacturing process. Based on this the team suggested the installation of a Falcon 8500 UPS of 160 KVA rating which is suitable to this VMC machines and is very much cost effective.

Result: The customer is satisfied with the operation of the UPS in supporting and ensuring smooth working on the VMC machines and the final products.
