Title: A Multi Speciality Hospital in Hyderabad

Industry: Healthcare

Application: Cath Lab

Product / Solution: UPS

Location: Hyderabad

The Problem: The customer is a multi speciality hospital located in Hyderabad, they have been in operation over the last 3 decades and are well known in the city for their patient care. The hospital has a Philips Cath Lab for CT scans which require uninterrupted power supply to operate smoothly and give good imaging for the doctors to make an accurate diagnosis.

Fuji Electric Solution: The team of engineers from Fuji Electric studied the requirements of the customer and the CathLab and based on this suggested the installation of a Falcon 8500 UPS of rating 120 KVA in a stand alone configuration.

Result: The customer is satisfied with the solution suggested by Fuji Electric as the UPS has performed as per requirement and ensured the smooth operation of the Cath Lab. Fuji Electric
