Title: An Indian Company that is a World Leader in Medical Syringes

Industry: Healthcare

Application: Medical Device Plastic Moulding

Product / Solution: UPS

Location: Faridabad

The Problem: The customer is an Indian company that has been in operation for over 50 years making affordable world class medical devices. It has technical collaboration with various companies and today manufacturers wide range of products from auto disable syringes, vacuum blood collection tubes, blood collection needles, safety IV cannulas. It has a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, specifically for manufacturing K1 Design Auto Disable Syringes. It now has a new plant spread on an area of 5.5 acres with the capacity to initially produce 36 million units of ‘safety IV cannula’ to meet the rising export demand to Europe which is expected to be around over 50% and balance for domestic demand.

Fuji Electric Solution: The team of engineers from Fuji Electric studied the requirement of the customer and based on this suggested the installation of Falcon 5000 UPS of various ratings 400 KVA 300KVA and 100KVA in standalone configuration to support the induction and the heater loads.

Result: The customer is satisfied with the operations of the Falcon UPS to provide a reliable power to their critical equipment used for production of medical injections as the UPS is connected with controller/induction and heater load on 24x7.
