Title: India’s first Proton Care Centre

Industry: Healthcare

Application: Proton Radiotherapy

Product / Solution: UPS

Location: Chennai

The Problem: India largest hospital chain was installing South Asia’s and India’s first proton therapy centre in Chennai. This is a very specialized treatment for cancer patients with pencil-beam technology that provides a high degree of precision. It has the Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy and Image-Guided Radiotherapy component. As the equipment uses nuclear radiation in the treatment of patients its very critical to have uninterrupted power supply to the equipment.

Fuji Electric Solution: The team of engineers from Fuji Electric spent considerable time at the site during the installation of the proton therapy equipment to study its operations and based on this the team suggested the installation of three nos of Falcon 7000 UPS of 400 KVA each.

Result: The customer is extremely satisfied with the operation of the UPS in supporting the proton therapy equipment.
