Title: Large Indian Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Mining & Refining Company

Industry: Mining

Application: Mining

Product / Solution: VFD

Location: Goa

The Problem: The customer operates an 5.5 MT iron ore mine in Goa and ships the ore for export and mining from the mines using various transport modes. A grab crane is used for handling the ore.

Fuji Electric Solution: The team of Fuji Electric engineers visited the site and understood the requirements of the customer and its business operations. The team suggested Fuji Electric 160 kw, 55 kw VG7 series drives for the TSUJI make Grab Crane, to be installed on Hoisting, Grabbing, Luffing & Traverse application. Total 3 no’s cranes are in operation.

Result: The customer is very satisfied as over the last 5 years the cranes have been operating smoothly without any interruptions to operations.
