Title: Leading International Financial News Channel

Industry: Media APPLICATION Critical Server


Product / Solution: UPS

Location: Mumbai

The Problem: One of the most respected global financial news company operates a 24/7 financial news channel in India with a news studio in Mumbai. The Company provides Political News, Cricket, Business, and other related digital contents in form of video, audio, and text. Being a Media company, all Studio/user desktops and critical servers need to be kept on 24x7 without any interruption as they are used for live Telecast / News / and broadcasting of many programmes.

Fuji Electric Solution: The team of engineers from Fuji Electric met the customer to understand their requirements, noting the criticality of the operations of the studio and newsroom that operate on a 24/7 basis the team proposed Falcon 5000 UPS of 120 KVA in parallel configuration with Hornbill 3000 Static Transfer Switch of 200 Amp to ensure uninterrupted operations of the studio and newsroom.

Result: The customer is very satisfied with the product and support provided as operations of the studio and newsroom has been able to operate 24/7 without any interruptions.
