Title: Leading IT Company in India

Industry: IT / ITES

Application: Harmonic Reduction

Product / Solution: Active Harmonic Filter

Location: Chennai

The Problem: The customer is a leading IT company in India with offices across the country and supporting customers across the world in North America and Europe. Their Chennai office was having harmonics above the tolerable limits set by the electricity regulator.

Fuji Electric Solution: The team of engineers from Fuji Electric studied the site operations and the level of harmonics being generated, based on this the team recommended the installation of two nos of 300 Amps IORA 3000 active harmonic filter on a standalone configuration connected at 33KV Transformer LT side to control the harmonics.

Result: The customer is satisfied with the solution proposed and installed at site as the level of harmonics has been reduced and brought within the limits set by the electricity regulator.
